What to expect from our Tai Chi Program...

For over 2000 years, the people of the Orient have looked towards the secrets of Tai Chi as the perfect way to stay in shape, increase fitness, flexibility, and stamina. We want to share those secrets with you so you can banish stress and enjoy a long and healthy life.

Our Tai Chi Program is an exciting and fun way to stay in shape and reduce stress that only takes a couple of hours a week.

Learn The Secrets...

The best part of Tai Chi is it's one of the quickest ways to improve your health, while learning new, exciting, and interesting techniques. This course features in exploration into meditation, proper breathing, stretching exercises, philosophy, and of course, methods of defense.

Better health and increased fitness so you feel great.

Increased stamina for added energy.

Stress relief for a longer and more healthier life.

Self discipline, greater self awareness.

Academy of Mantis Boxing & Tai Chi

Tai Chi as taught at the AMB & Tai Chi empowers you with secrets of success. Sifu Rashid has developed a modern approach to teaching Simplified and traditional authentic Yang Style Tai Chi that will help you to maximize your success at school, work and play.

AMB & Tai Chi is making a difference in the lives of many: spirit, mind and body. In short, Tai Chi (as taught at the AMB & Tai Chi) is a valuable tool for reforming education, reducing violence, improving your health/fitness, as well as, effective self-defense.

Please accept this invitation to experience the power & success of this unique and comprehensive Tai Chi program.


Come and see one of our Tai Chi Classes 100% FREE. No question asked