What your child can expect from our Kinder Kung-Fu Program...

Your child(ren) will improve his/her ability to balance, overall coordination and depth perception. Also, he/she will have great fun while learning how to stretch and tumble

Our Kinder Kung Fu Program is a special six week program designed for ages 3 through 5. It allows tots to experience the wonders of martial arts training in a safe and fun environment.

Great for your Toddler...

Master Rashid has developed a modern approach to teaching traditional authentic martial arts that will help your child(ren) to maximize their success in these formidable years and years to come. 

Learning patience and discipline at a young age.

Understanding why respect is important.

Building Strong Character and Self Esteem.

Developing Inner Strength & Fitness.

Academy of Mantis Boxing & Tai Chi

These are just some of the many benefits your child will enjoy in our program:

• The best method for channeling aggression.

• Healthy habits for a stronger and healthier mind and body.

• The ability to protect themselves should the need ever arise.

• Weight control and muscle toning.

Better health and increased physical fitness to feel great.

• Improved concentration & relaxation which will pay off.

• Self-discipline and confidence that comes from knowing he/she has the ability to protect himself/herself.


Come and see one of our Kinder Kung Fu Classes 100% FREE. No question asked